Singapore is opting not to source sand from from Southeast Asian countries. Last year a UN report warned that unregulated sand mining in the Mekong basin was hurting habitats.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Myanmar govt proposes borrowing from ADB for key infrastructure
The Bago-Kyaikhto highway will form part of the Greater Mekong Sub-region East-West Economic Corridor, which links Vietnam through to Myanmar to the Thilawa port in Yangon.
Laos weather bureau official dispels Mekong flood concerns
This is because the overflowing rivers in China are flowing east and not affecting Mekong.
Prey Veng’s potential as a Wetland Zone mulled as Protected Natural Area
Will include parts of a potential multi-purpose wetland area locally called “Boeungsne-Tuolporn Talei” in Prey Veng province as a protected natural area.
Why some Buddhist monks ordain trees – JSTOR Daily
Buddhist monks in Thailand began tying trees with their traditional colored robes in the 1980s, as threats to ecology increased.
Myanmar Military Chief Affirms Support for China’s BRI Projects
China is willing to push ahead with implementation of the three pillars of the project, the Kyaukphyu deep seaport, cross-border economic cooperation zones, and the New Yangon City project.
Myanmar Conservationists Slam Moves for Endangered Irrawaddy Dolphin’s Captive Breeding
Also allowing for species like the sambhur and barking deer, crocodiles and silver pheasant to be bred for meat and traditional medicine. Conservation campaigners say the wildlife trade will increase as a result.
Vietnam population might peak 10 years earlier than UN forecast: Lancet study
Vietnam would reach its peak population the fifth quickest among 13 countries and territories in Southeast Asia, after Thailand (71.97 million) in 2028,
World Bank lends US$100 million for climate-resilient road project funded
The project will enhance rural communities’ access to critical services, such as health centers, referral hospitals, schools and markets, through the improvement of climate-resilient rural roads.