Reservations aired by neighbouring countries over the dam’s potential to harm fisheries and farming downstream have yet to receive attention.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
A River Drained: Fish, Rice, and Food Security in the Mekong
Interactive, geographical and data presentation simplifies the story of how significant the threats now are to the region’s sustainability.
Lao Premier Announces New Power Rates Following Widespread Public Anger at Costs
Power prices have become a sensitive issue in Laos, where people were already poor before the COVID-19, while the country builds billion-dollar hydropower dams to export electricity.
Extraordinary footage: lockdown cleans Bangkok skyline
A benefit of the lockdowns had been low pollution levels and clear skies due to fewer cars on the roads, the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) reports.
New study reveals attitudes towards climate migrants
For instance, in Vietnam, residents were significantly less likely to report sympathy towards climate migrants compared to migrants seeking to be reunited with their families.
U.S. and Brazil Trying to Force Thailand to Accept Food Coated in Hazardous Pesticides
The U.S. is standing alongside the corrupt Bolsonaro administration in Brazil to oppose Thailand’s efforts to protect its citizens from highly toxic pesticides used in food production.
All clear for construction of 700MW coal plant
The $1.3 billion project is developed by Cambodia International Investment Development Group Co Ltd (CIIDG), in coordination with partner Huadian Sihanoukville Power Generation Co Ltd.
NGO Report Shows Little Improvement in Handling of Land Evictions
While there has been a slowdown in land evictions in the capital, there was little evidence the process was improving or following human rights standards.
Tigers caught on camera lounging in a Jacuzzi-sized watering hole
The Western Forest Complex is Thailand’s largest block of intact forest, home many species that are threatened and endangered species.