The failure of last monsoons and the presence of Chinese dams in the Northern part of the basin have unleashed drought-like conditions leading to poverty and food insecurity.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
To dig or not to dig: The controversy surrounding Thailand’s mega canal
Mega-development, mega-devastation or both? A massive canal proposed through Southern Thailand’s biodiversity hotspots has many questioning Thailand’s commitment to sustainability.
56% of wild animals in Vietnam’s restaurants have a coronavirus
Vietnam says it want to stop importing imperiled animals, though there are still “wildlife restaurants” with rats, bats, civet cats, snakes, bear, monkeys and pangolins on the menu.
Vietnam alliance of business for environment launched
For the first time in Vietnam, an alliance of business enterprises for environmental protection has been launched to tackle environmental issues in the country.
Falling water levels affecting fish population
The Tonle Sap and the Mekong continue to fall during the prolonged dry season, which is affecting the fish breeding cycle and migration.
Discussing China’s dams on the Mekong
China’s decisions led to great economic benefit for hydropower and energy companies under the auspices of clean energy development, but led to severe costs downstream.
Vientiane residents to access sustainable waste management system
Vientiane will be recognised as a city where the informal waste pickers are integrated into the formal waste management system and benefit from social protection schemes.
New approaches to forest monitoring
With the support of Finland, a national-scale forest inventory will be implemented in Myanmar, including in areas with security and conflict issues.