Through the crisis, we have had a glimpse of what life can be like with more breathable air. But turning this into a daily reality can only be achieved by enforcing air quality standards and rapidly reducing fossil fuels.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Plastic panic
Some aspects of the lockdown aren’t as environmentally friendly as the photos of sea animals may lead some of us to believe after all.
Plastic use soaring in pandemic
Another type of waste which has significantly grown in volume during the pandemic, is infectious waste — especially used surgical masks.
Spotlight: Celebrating women in conservation
At the age of 36, Chea Seila has recently been nominated as a pioneer for female conservationists in Cambodia, making her the only woman among six Mekong Conservation Heroes of Cambodia in 2020.
Laos to undertake prior consultation for Sanakham hydropower project
Lao PDR will undertake the Mekong River Commission’s (MRC) prior consultation process for its Sanakham hydropower project, the sixth proposed project on the Mekong mainstream. The run-of-river dam will operate continuously year-round and produce 684 megawatts of electricity.
Mekong nations face growing threat to food security amid claims China’s dams exacerbate effects of drought
Farmers are especially hard hit because when the water level falls, they have to buy more fuel for water pumps so their costs increase at the worst time. This is driving farmers from their rice fields.
No appropriate solutions implemented to improve pollution
An increase in the number of industrial zones has been polluting Vietnam’s environment, and there are no appropriate solutions in place, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment warned.
China’s Control of the Mekong
Whether through its own dams or the financing and construction of dams in other countries, China is largely in the driver’s seat when it comes to the Mekong.
Myanmar’s illegal timber trade continues despite COVID-19
Much of the timber logged illegally in Myanmar is transported overland to China, in violation of both countries’ domestic laws.