Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Bananas remain a large slice of Laos’ export pie
But some plantations harmed the environment because of a lack of management by the government, incomplete land allocation, and lax business registration.
Bulldozers seized from five VN loggers in Mondulkiri
They had not yet bulldozed the forested land because as they were preparing to do so, more than 30 community members flocked to the area.
Farmers in Mekong Delta provinces enjoy bumper winter-spring rice crop
Despite the impacts of saltwater intrusion and drought on coastal areas, most farmers have enjoyed a bumper crop and the price of paddy has also increased.
‘Houses On The River Will Fall’: Cambodia’s Sand Mining Threatens Vital Mekong
The capital has filled in many of its lakes hampering Phnom Penh’s handling of runoff from the annual monsoons and exacerbating flooding.
Myanmar govt reveals 58 national development projects in project bank
The Myanmar Project Bank is an interactive platform designed to highlight investment projects in line with the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan.
Switching to plant-based plastics
Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor is turning to bioplastics derived from local plant products like cassava starch and sugarcane that decompose after a few weeks.
Ministry of Environment restricts Prey Lang Community Network’s rights, says NGOs
Communities accuse rangers of restricting their rights when they were prevented from holding a blessing ceremony in the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary.