Mondulkiri is Cambodia’s biggest and most sparsely populated province. It is home to three rivers and the famous waterfall Bou Sra. It also contains tropical seasonal virgin forests and protected wildlife areas.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Countries urge Laos to conduct dam impact studies
Representatives of Vietnam said the Lao government should consider halting the Luang Prabang Dam and instead focus on renewable energy.
Vietnam -Red Cross Drought and Saltwater Intrusion Emergency Plan of Action
Saline intrusion occurred in complicated manner (earlier, deeper intruding, and ranging), especially in combination with the sophisticated tidal flooding situation.
Thais spike China-led plan to dredge Mekong river
The Thai cabinet decided “to stop the project” after Beijing failed to stump up the money for further surveys of the area to be dredged.
Smog dashes chances of Unesco heritage listing
“It shows that we lack measures to manage pollution and protect the heritage.”
Cambodia slams deforestation report
University of Copenhagen assisted in writing the report that found between 2001 and 2018, 41,758ha were lost-10% of the Prey Lang forest.