Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Vegetable gardens bring veritable gains for women in climate-struck Cambodia
Putting gender equality at the heart of climate action will ensure that vegetable gardens and sustainable development efforts bear fruit.
Myanmar fish resources fall sharply in past 38 years: research
Fish inhabiting the surface waters of Myanmar declined by about 80 percent between 1980 and 2018 and there was a steep drop in commercially important fish on the seabed.
Mekong River region on more minds
If Vietnam as ASEAN chair has its way, the Mekong may soon become an ASEAN matter, providing the five riparian countries more leverage in grappling with China’s unilateral hogging of water in the upper reaches of the river.
Mekong left starving
Apart from the damage it will cause to agriculture and the fishing industry, the now ocean-blue river is naturally hungry for nutrients and will start absorbing sediments attached to its banks.
Save the Mekong With Floating Solar
Will the decision-makers in Vientiane and Phnom Penh forego the hydropower projects that they endorsed many years ago, before environmental impacts were properly understood and when wind and solar power alternatives were hardly conceivable?