Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Nearly 4,000 plastic waste containers clogged in Vietnam’s ports
503 containers of plastic waste, paper waste, metal scraps and other rubbish have been sent back to their origins due to failures to meet Vietnam’s standards.
Myanmar Angers Coal Region Residents by Extending Life of Polluting Chinese-run Mine
The coal-fired power plant has exceeded land use specifications, severely polluted the local environment, and jeopardized their health and their livelihoods.
Dying for land in Lao?
The country has often come under criticism for land grabs in which, those protesting are reporedly being arrested and beaten or subjected to electric shocks in the days following their arrest, with one dying thereafter.
Hanoians struggle for drinking water after river contaminated with oil
A senior government official confirmed on Tuesday that the water supply across the city’s south-east has been contaminated with styrene, a carcinogenic.
I’m a plant’ eco-bags to help make Cambodia cleaner
As cassava is grown throughout Southeast Asia, it made sense to use cassava starch due to its accessibility and cost.
Water war risk rising on the Mekong
China now has the power to completely stop the flow of water to downstream nations, a pressure point that could be used to devastate their agricultural economies and create food scarcity in the event of a conflict.