The major challenge for the Mekong basin, ranked second of five basins, is the absence of a River Basin Organisation (RBO which covers the entire basin with its tributaries as well as the main stream.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
The Displaced: Climate change in Vietnam ‘destroying family life’
In 2018 – more than 35,000 people were forced to flee their homes every day – that’s one every two seconds.
PM outlines $129 mln plan to fight Mekong Delta land erosion
Climate change is increasingly complicated, threatening the national development, especially the Mekong Delta, our rice and fruit basket and biggest aquaculture production base.
Bangkok Smog Prompts Thai Premier to Warn People to Wear Masks
Bangkok ranked third for pollution globally among major cities at about 9:45 a.m. local time Monday,
UK government body accepts OECD complaint by 700 Cambodian families
Between 2008 and 2009, the families were forced off their land to make way for Mitr Phol’s sugarcane plantations in northwestern Cambodia.
Lao: Champassak city announces auction of confiscated timber
The 528,852 cubic metres of timber includes 5,179 logs, stacks and boards, the city’s Department of Industry
Victims Left Behind in US Agent Orange Cleanup Efforts
Vietnamese victims have yet to receive compensation – and many live in desperate poverty.
Myanmar must improve community forestry plan to fight climate change
Community forestry strengthens community land rights, develops local livelihoods, and conserves precious ecosystems.