Regardless of where they lived in the areas where dams were planned, the villagers’ stories are similar. They were promised, coerced or threatened into leaving their homes.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Helmeted Hornbill to be listed as conserved species to save it from hunters
According to TRAFFIC, a non-profit organization dedicated to monitoring trafficking in wildlife, there were at least 236 online posts offering hornbill products and body parts for sale between last October and April this year.
Plundering Cambodia’s forests
Meet the man on a mission to take down Cambodia’s timber tycoons and expose a rampant illegal cross-border trade.
Trafficked to extinction: Vietnam, Taiwan, China
Despite the scale of the pangolin trade, little is actually known about it, even among prosecutors and law enforcement officials in its key market: China
Greed makes the world go round
Vũ Hùng penned 50 years ago, “Nowadays, humans chop down forests and hunt wild animals to benefit their capital need. If it doesn’t stop, it’s going to be destructive for all of us.”
Collaboration Key to Ending Plastic Waste
Collaboration Key to Ending Plastic Waste
World’s Major Deltas Threatened By Climate Change and Hydropower
More than 500 million people live on deltas worldwide. The Mekong Delta provides a clear illustration of what’s at stake for many of those people—and some of the ways we may still be able to help them.
How good is the Blue Peace Index?
The major challenge for the Mekong basin, ranked second of five basins, is the absence of a River Basin Organisation (RBO which covers the entire basin with its tributaries as well as the main stream.