Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam are among the countries where mountains of plastic waste are piling up.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Since economic and political reforms began in Myanmar in 2011, one of the most controversial projects in the country has been the Letpadaung Copper Mine
Anger remains for Letpadaung villagers
Opium, coffee and the politics of foreign aid
This is because the UN agency encourages farmers to produce for the mass market coffer. For smallholders this coffee simply does not make enough money.
The Belt and Road in Cambodia: Successes and Challenges
It’s time for the BRI to incorporate a more participatory and inclusive approach in Cambodia.
Owner of Illegal Tiger Farm Shot Dead in Laos
The Incident draws renewed attention to the presence in the country of operations catering to the illegal trade in wildlife animal parts.
New industrial zone proposed northwest of Yangon
The creation of the industrial zone is expected to require investments totaling US$500 million and is projected to create 100,000 jobs
Controversial aquaculture projects threaten Myanmar’s remaining mangroves
80 percent of Myanmar’s mangroves are gone. In addition to illegal logging of mangroves for charcoal and firewood, aquaculture is a recent development that also threatens mangrove ecosystems.