Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Photo Story: Myanmar’s Chindwin River Basin
Fifty percent of the basin is covered by 14 of the country’s Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs). Only a quarter of this area, however, is classified as protected.
Giving a dam about the Mekong
The EIA done on behalf of dam developers downplayed environmental damage and overlooked transboundary effects of river damming.
Environment Ministry campaign tackles plastic
On a voluntary basis, the ministry urges vendors to stop providing free plastic bags to customers in order to support people who produce non-plastic bags and thereby boosting their living standards.
Cambodia to benefit substantially from China’s BRI: Moody’s
For countries with weaker fiscal and external positions and large volumes of non-concessional funding, however, BRI project financing tends to exacerbate debt sustainability and balance of payments.
Court summons issued to Mother Nature founder
Gonzalez-Davidson, along with two other co-founders of Mother Nature, was charged under Articles 29 and 424 of the Criminal Code. The case involved their repeated obstruction to sand-dredging activities in the province.
More power projects under way
There are 10.877 million households in Myanmar. Till November, 2018, only 4.709 million households (43 per cent) have electricity access.
Consultation meeting moves forward Mekong water cooperation mechanism
Supported by China’s Mekong-Lancang Cooperation Special Fund, this meeting is part of the Mekong Institute’s project on Transboundary Cooperation Mechanism on Adaptation to Climate Change and Hydropower Development.