Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Renewable Energy Development Master Plan Discussed
Asian Development Bank (ADB) has pledged to help Cambodia in preparing the energy master plan, particularly to effectively utilise the renewable energy.
Ministry urges tree planting
The director of the Forestry Administration at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Keo Omalis, has urged the planting of trees in areas that have been cleared, and at returned economic land concessions and vacant state land.
Forest Act to be amended to encourage felling and growing of rare trees
Landowners will be able to cut down up to 171 “reserved” and “rare” timber species growing on their properties without having to seek permission
High expectations, low confidence at Invest Myanmar Summit
The government evinced high hopes for a rebound in foreign investment at a recent event in Nay Pyi Taw but its expectations are not shared by many in the private sector.
The race to save Myanmar’s Inle Lake
The famed tourist spot with floating gardens and the graceful leg-rowing style of its fisherman is drying up and urgent action is needed to avoid disaster.