Farmers in the Cuu Long (Mekong) Delta have developed agri-tourism models that have not only increased their incomes but also contributed to sustainable agriculture and rural development in the area.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
CYP to investigate deforestation
Cambodian Youth Party president Pich Sros yesterday said ministries tasked with preventing deforestation have no regular preventive measures against the crime.
Brexit and EU sanctions threaten Cambodia economic crisis
Teetering on the verge of economic crisis: Cambodia faces higher export tariffs into Britain due to Brexit at a time when the European Union is considering suspending duty-free access.
Illegal logging denied in Mondulkiri province
Activist Heng Sros, 24, from the Cambodian Human Rights Task Force, yesterday said that the private companies received permission to transport high quality timber to Vietnam.
Laos endorses national green growth strategy
The World Bank, the Global Green Growth Institute and other development partners provided financial and technical support in developing the strategy.
Environment ministry works to better identify timber sources
“I think the [ministry’s] response and [ministries] accusing each other shows there is no clear legal mechanism. I met with the Ministry of Interior’s secretary of state who said it was difficult to prevent [illegal logging].”
Mall or park? In crowded Bangkok, ‘last’ open space stirs debate
Civic groups say the evictions and redevelopment plans mostly target poor communities who have no formal rights over the land.