Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Upgrade infrastructure to attract global manufacturing, GMS told
There is a significant need for Mekong region countries to upgrade their infrastructure to take on a larger share of global manufacturing, said Sok Siphana, chairman of independent Cambodian think-tank Asian Vision Institute (AVI).
China advising on hydro policy as govt backs away from IFC assessment
Doubts now casts on Myanmar’s commitment to the key recommendation in the IFC’s SEA that five of its mainstem rivers be reserved from hydropower development.
Myanmar parliament passes gemstone bill amid criticism
The law does not specify how to tackle companies which bypass the size restrictions, for example, by applying small or medium-scale licences next to each other.
The Mekong region is caught in a tug-of-war
The autocratisation of the Mekong region has significant implications at a time when its giant neighbour China continues a long march to the south.
Chinese plantation poisoning fish and disrupting appropriate agriculture in Lao community
Company agrees to comply with government regulations, but villagers want banana plantations shut down.