Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
From rice to riches: adapting to climate change on Cambodia’s coasts
Climate change, deforestation and rising sea-levels have been causing devastating rice shortages for Cambodia’s coastal communities
Bank report says 2.6 billion baht financial loss so far from smog in and around Bangkok
The smog problem has been compounded by climate change, said the report as it recommended that agencies concerned must attach importance to the problem and makes assessments of its impacts on various aspects.
Fears scrap imports are on the rise
As other countries worldwide restrict the amount of scrap material allowed in, the ministry of finance has warned in a draft regulation that Vietnam could become a dumping ground.
Without course correction, tigers could be wiped out in Thailand, Myanmar: Study
Experts said that the absence of political leadership on wildlife in Southeast Asian countries has hamstrung the tiger recovery programme.
Lancang-Mekong cultural exchange youth camp launched in Myanmar
A Lancang-Mekong Cultural Exchange Youth Camp was launched in Myanmar’s northern city of Mandalay Monday with the aim of enhancing cooperation between cultural groups and youth artists from six Lancang-Mekong countries.
Chinese company consults locals over Mekong blasting
“Thammachat [the natural system and state of the river] is not undeveloped; It is rich. To do this to the river without answering the concerns of local people would be the same as stealing.”
Cambodia’s bid to be ‘New Macau’ stirs old wounds as Chinese cash in
Yet swathes of new development make it harder to settle old disputes over ownership in a kingdom where land has been commandeered by prominent, government-connected tycoons.
Binh Duong has first wastewater-to-clean water treatment plant
A plant processing industrial wastewater into clean water for daily use and production, the first of its kind in Vietnam.