Agruing that the BRI should not be viewed as a threat or a form of predatory economics by which the Chinese can export their infrastructure construction model, which heavily relies on state-owned enterprises.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Lao Dam disaster victims stare at uncertain future
Fears linger for livelihoods as new villages being built for Lao victims may not be suitable for agriculture
Displaced Kachin villagers call for permanent stop to Myitsone Dam
Concerns intensify as Chinese apply pressure to have controversial megaproject restarted
Happy eco-campers: protecting wildlife in Cambodia
A new eco-tourism camp keeps a remote forest safe from poaching, and offers a laid-back stay with creature comforts
How can Cambodia take on the mammoth task of fighting its illegal ivory trade?
This month’s discovery of trinkets carved from the tusks of extinct woolly mammoths is just the latest evidence that Cambodia is playing a growing role in the international illegal ivory trade
Exploring an alternative pathway for Vietnam’s energy future
Renewables have the potential to become the lowest-cost option for Vietnam to meet its energy needs says new McKinsey report.
China’s Six Belt and Road Projects in Myanmar to Watch in 2019
The Irrawaddy looks at six projects which are set to be implemented this year and which require careful monitoring—including the controversial Myitsone dam project, on which a final decision could be made this yea
Dams still best way to manage water resources: govt agencies
Instead of relieving the negative effects of climate change, dams and large-irrigation projects in Thailand will only cause further damage, as dams only intensify the already heavy pressure on the ecosystem.
Experts call for increasing economic value of straw
Mekong Delta straw burning pollutes the air, erodes land and wastes workforce.