Record-setting bridge to become part of the China-Myanmar cross-border rail link
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
1,221 environmental rangers to be trained in Cambodia
Training aims to promote strategic plans and the work involved in protecting natural resources and biodiversity, the protected areas and regulations.
Laos to mobilize aid to social sector development
Working with development partners on new strategies to mobilize assistance to the social sector amid current aid cuts.
Corruption Puts Environmental Defenders at Risk in Cambodia
For the 30-year old Cambodian activist, an arrest is a very real possibility. Several of her colleagues have already been thrown in prison.
Skywalker Gibbon, Lance Bass Bat and Toad from Middle Earth are Three of 157 New Species Discovered in GMS
The new WWF report describes three mammal, 23 fish, 14 amphibian, 26 reptile and 91 plant species discovered in the GMS.
Thailand’s first green bond is taken up by the ADB
For renewable-energy development projects in Thailand that help to establish a low-carbon pathway for sustainable economic growth.
Bride trafficking: Mekong women pressed into marriage in China
Poverty drives gambling on marriage in China, but domestic realities there frequently unravel, leaving women at risk of abuse, detention or ‘resale’ into prostitution.