Many reports provide clear indications that despite EU regulations, many Vietnamese companies have been shelling out millions in bribes for logs cut from national parks and community areas in Cambodia.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Cambodian villagers protest sand-dredging operation in protected zone
At least 10 ethnic Phnorng villagers protested on Monday in Cambodia’s Mondulkiri province to demand an end to a sand-dredging operation carried out in a wildlife sanctuary in the Bou Sra commune of the province’s Pech Chreada district, local sources said.
Can Vietnam achieve its vision of a ‘green transformation’?
To combat environmental risks, Vietnam is among a number of countries that have put in place green transformation policies.
Worry over worsening conflicts after EEC land use changes
Worsening land conflicts in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) due to revised city plans for the three provinces involved that will enlarge the industrial zone and swallow vast swaths of farmland, displacing farmers.
Neglecting Myanmar’s biodiversity means cost and conflict for businesses
Yangon-based Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business recently published a briefing paper on biodiversity, human rights and business, advising stakeholders on how some types of investment can negatively affect biodiversity and hence affect human rights.