“During my childhood, there were periods when not even one died in three years. These days, there have been as many as three deaths a year and there might be others.”
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Collapsed Lao dam ‘was built on a sinkhole’
Laos has kept the true scale of the disaster under wraps because it would jeopardize dozens of other dams envisaged under its plan to be the “Battery of Southeast Asia.”
Myanmar Plans Economic Zones on Chinese Border
The three SEZs are projects under the BRI with the objective of promoting economic integration between the southern border of China and Myanmar as well as infrastructure development.
Myanmar, Thailand to Jointly Upgrade Highway from Border to Dawei SEZ
The agreement calls for conducting a survey and design work in preparation for upgrading the two-lane highway. The route will connect the border crossing point at Htee Kee to the SEZ via Myittar.
What does Chinese ‘reciprocity’ mean for Mekong’s dams?
China is exploring new ways to cooperate over water with Mekong countries, but any agreement must address civil society and environmental concerns.
‘We feel like hermit crabs’: Myanmar’s climate dispossessed
In the coastal town of Khindan, the catastrophic effect of rising sea levels is all too apparent
Displaced villagers in Myanmar at odds with UK charity over land conservation
Karen people in Tanintharyi region fear project to protect 800,000-acre area will cut them off from ancestral lands
First Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation Forum kicked off in Kunming,
It was attended by about 150 delegates from governments, research institutions, academic groups, enterprises from the six member countries as well as relevant international organizations.
Chinese dams ramp up Lao external debt
Analysts predict increasing difficulty with mounting loans from China
EEC threat to water resources
Even without rapid investment in the EEC, Thailand’s flagship development project, core provinces such as Chon Buri and Rayong are already suffering chronic water shortages.