There is no 4.0 revolution in education to ensure children in mountainous and remote areas do not drop out of school or have to swim past streams, climb up cliffs nor in healthcare.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Fight against gold mine turned Thai village into ‘war zone’
For years, residents of six villages had opposed the gold mine operated by Tungkum Ltd., which they said contaminated their land and water, and sickened them with high levels of cyanide, arsenic and mercury.
Stung by scandals, Vietnam tightens food safety laws (video)
Penalties for food safety violations upped by 350% after a string of embarrassing scandals, including the sale of chemically enhanced shrimp and coffee made from dirt and batteries.
Where have all the good Asian jobs gone?
Emerging nations like Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar struggle to follow Japan and China up employment value chain with not solution in sight.
Kampong Speu villagers meet to solve land dispute
Some 500 people from Trapaing Chou commune in Kampong Speu province gathered at Trapaing Chou pagoda to seek a solution to their long-running land dispute with Phnom Penh Sugar.
Government presses for progress in dam collapse enquiry
While the inspections are taking place, the government has ordered the suspension of the consideration of new proposals to survey and invest in hydropower projects.
Villagers in Shan State Petition Govt to Cancel Coal Mine Plans
Villagers in Shan State afraid of the potential environmental fallout from a planned coal mine say they have submitted petitions to local authorities urging them to cancel the project.
Panama backs Kra Canal as right move for Thai growth
Building a channel linking two major seas would boost Thailand’s role in global connectivity, said Panama’s Vice President Isabel de Saint Malo de Alvarado,
Modern slavery and climate change
The fishing industry in Thailand is a clear example of how climate change and modern slavery are connected. The demand for cheap seafood is leading to worsening abusive and exploitative conditions for fishing labourers.