Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Environment Minister calls for wild orchid protection
Thailand has recorded more than 1,500 species, Vietnam more than 700, Laos more than 500 and Cambodia more than 300 — threatened by forest clearing and illegal wild orchid traders.
China, Myanmar sign MoU on feasibility study of Muse-Mandalay railway
The railway extends 431 km from the Chinese border in Shan state with a designed speed of 160 km per hour.
Laos’ textile traditions being kept alive at Luang Prabang crafts centre – and it’s empowering women along the way
Started with five weavers–now supports 500 artisans across the country.
Vietnam’s quandary: red or green?
Vietnamese analysts concede that unlike the South China Sea, when it comes to their precious Mekong delta, China really controls the tap.
Dynamics of cooperation mechanisms in the Mekong
Such mechanisms increasingly perceived by some older members of Asean as a threat to further geopolitically divide mainland Southeast Asia.
Greater state-regional effort against climate change urged
While Myanmar has drafted policies and initiated projects to address climate change, more needs to be done at the state and regional level.
China brings casino boom to Cambodian town – but doom to local businesses?
From the glitz and glamour, jobs and construction boom to the sudden imbalance, animosity and anxiety.
Fish species in troubled water
USAID organised a workshop bringing in a number of experts to identify high-priority data needed to tackle the issue of fish migration in the Mekong Basin.