The Mekong Delta is subsiding faster than the rise in sea level, causing urban flooding, and humans are to blame.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Operation Mekong: China Solidifies Its Influence in Southeast Asia
China’s leadership now breaks with its decades-old doctrine of not getting involved in other countries’ political crises.
Mekong Institute partners with China and Thailand on managing Mekong dams
The project is geared toward collaborative information exchange among concerned agencies in Cambodia, P.R. China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, with emphasis on adaptive management and operation of hydropower projects as well as climate change mitigation.
Australian bank caught in violation of own policies and intl. human rights standards
In 2011, ANZ provided a $40 million loan to Phnom Penh Sugar, which had forcibly displaced hundreds of local farming families and employed school-aged children in dangerous conditions
Smartphones help to save forest in Cambodia
The app “Prey Lang App” makes it easy for local forest patrols in Cambodia to geo-reference, document, and upload data about forest resources and illegal logging.
Cambodia Faces Potential Economic Collapse
The slated withdrawal of crucial European Union trade preferences will likely force its leader to walk back a prolonged political crackdown, observers and labor groups say.
Thai government pushes reform in agriculture sector
Plan to increase livelihoods for 1.3 million rice farmers by growing alternative crops and help offered to sugarcane growers
Myanmar: Women Breaking and Making the Rules
As established norms and power structures conspire to keep them out, women are stepping up in historic ways and numbers, holding the powerful to account.
Conflicts preventing biodiversity surveys
The government is having a difficult time conducting biodiversity surveys in conflict-torn areas of the country because of a lack of access and security concerns among Forestry Department personnel