Experts applaud Vietnam’s decision not to license the 1,200 MW Vung Ang II coal-fired thermal power project, saying that this is a ‘necessary caution’.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Strong cities needed
Climate migrants are further exposing the need for Bangkok planners to come up with better methods to confine urban sprawl, cope with climate change and ensure a better deal for all.
Comment on “Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin”
Proposed flows by researchers to green-up dams in the Lower Mekong are seen as infeasible and devastating to fisheries.
Cross-border transport agreement makes progress
Under the cross-border transport program started between other (GMS) countries. Only Myanmar remains to join. It’s starting with Thailand
Supreme Court Hears Case of Detained Environmentalists
The three were charged with “intimidation” and “causing damage” while investigating an alleged illegal sand dredging operation in Koh Kong province in 2016.
Chinese constructors complete foundation of cross-Mekong River super bridges
The China-Lao high speed railway will cross the Mekong at Luang Prabang, the UNESCO-listed city in northern Laos, as part of the new trans-Asian railway network.
Myanmar urged to review hydropower dam projects seen damaging to rural communities
Hydropower development fuels ethnic minority grievances over indigenous land rights.
Japan re-affirms support for Mekong irrigation
MRC project to Improve fish-friendly irrigation, monitor agricultural land use and promote sustainable groundwater management.
Cambodia, Thailand end cross-border rail transport talks
The last starch of a rail line linking Phnom Penh to Thailand was completed last week.
New Yangon City challenges regional govt transparency
Without free, informed and prior consent from the public, international disputes may arise, as was seen with the Myitsone Dam and the Letpadaung Copper Mine.