New strain of drug-resistant Malaria has spread to all four countries of the Eastern Greater Mekong subregion and of international concern
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
ASEAN countries “keen” and “ready” for Belt and Road: HKTDC
China’s Belt and Road Initiative Is moving ahead swiftly, with a major summit recently concluding in Hong Kong under the banner, “from vision to action”.
Scientists study wildlife rangers, what motivates them?
GMS and other Asian wildlife rangers just need a job, and are not motivated by protecting our most iconic species—tigers, elephants, gorillas and many others.
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Vietnam PM to share talk on Mekong Delta sustainable development model
Relevant parties will define resources coordinating mechanisms and seek foreign and private support for the effort in both resources and technology.
Coffee growers in Laos are turning to organic farming
Rural coffee farmers across southern Laos are sharing sustainable agricultural practices to protect both their land and health from chemical farming methods, reports
Dispute over fish ladders to save species
Can Mekong fish climb ladders: some fisheries scientist think so, others don’t.
Under Construction Nam Ao Dam Busts (video)
Homes and farmland have been flooded following the bust of the under construction Nam Ao Hydropower Project on Sep 11.
Saigon’s walking dread
With some of the world’s most cluttered sidewalks and reluctant pedestrians, getting around Saigon by foot can be a drag.
Fresh bid to tackle illegal wildlife trade
“There is one overriding principle that drives the business -– it’s of huge value with low risk. And that’s why we are losing the battle, rapidly,” says USAID Wildlife Asia’s law enforcement specialist.
Thai coal mine’s emissions under fire in Myanmar
People affected by emissions from a coal mine project of Thai companies in Tanintharyi Region have urged the Thai authorities to take action.