Arguments in favour to build one of the region’s largest industrial zones at Dawei are deeply flawed, and vastly outweighed by its potential for social and environmental damage.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Promoting Sustainable Watershed Management in the Lower Mekong Basin
The Mekong River Commission just completed a Regional Workshop as part of a 7-year, 5.1-million Euro pilot project aimed at showcasing best practice in sustainable watershed management.
Life in the dark amid broken power promises
For five years communities in Cambodia’s Svay Ring province have waited for electricity, but all they’ve received are transmission lines.
Let the sunshine in
Reporters talk with two citizens who have installed solar panels in their homes — one off the grid, the other on the grid — about what one can expect from investing in renewable energy.
Rubber Trees Cited for Contribution to Growing Forest Cover
Cambodia’s Prime Minister, Hun Sen, says the country’s forest cover has been increasing due to its vast rubber tree plantations.
Could new China railway put Laos on the tourist map?
A high-speed rail link between Laos and China expected to open in 2022 has poised the country for a game-changing influx of Chinese tourists.
China to tackle ambitious conservation experiment
At the headwaters of the Mekong, China intends to create its first national park – setting aside an area the size of Pennsylvania.
Environment Law draft in pipeline
The new law currently includes nine chapters and more than 1,000 articles that deal with environmental issues and the protection of natural resources.
Is Asean ready to adapt?
Readiness varies among countries, but public participation essential for dealing with climate change.
Ancient Trading Network Uncovered in the Mekong Delta
have uncovered a vast trading network which operated in Vietnam from around 4,500 years ago up until around 3,000 years ago.