Southeast Asia wants to shift to a clean energy system, but high energy demand and cost pressures could slow progress. The upcoming Asia Power Week brings together industry and policy leaders to discuss solutions to these issues.
Category: Region
Selected environmental stories from media outlets in the Mekong region and beyond.
Cambodian Villagers Brace For Flooding in Test of Sesan II Dam
A test of floodgates in Cambodia’s Sesan II Dam looks set to flood two downstream villages, with more than 100 families vowing not to leave after refusing offers of compensation.
Robust globe key to Laos’ growth
LAOS’ ECONOMY is set to remain one of the fastest growing in the region in coming years as long as the global economic recovery remains on track, according to international financial institutions.
Mekong Institute shifts its aid focus
The new focus on social assistance with knowledge training in GMS countries was a shift from economic aid, MI Chairman said at the Mekong Forum on “New Geo-economics: Reshaping the Future of the GMS?”
Cambodia’s Path to Fulfill the Paris Climate Agreement
Though a small country, Sao Phal Niseiy observes that Cambodia is more than capable of doing its part to uphold its responsibility to the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement.
Lack of accountability and clarity in SEZ Law highlighted in Dawei
An inadequate legal framework, poor implementation process, absence of accountabilities and the lack of transparency lead to violations of human rights and environmental disruption in Myanmar’s Special Economic Zones: experts.
Foreign legal expert hired to help with law reform
The laws that need reformed include those for community forest management, land bank, national park management, community based justice, environmental impact asessment/environmental health impact assessment reforms.
Trump’s policies could put Cambodia’s environment on chopping block
Under President Donald Trump’s proposed 2018 budget, Cambodia could experience a 70 percent cut in aid from the United States.
If it walks like a duck …
Industry cries foul over Egat’s proposal to impose a levy on renewable power producers for storage…Renewable power has become a bigger player in the energy mix the past three years as more private firms were granted licences to develop projects, mostly solar farms.
Kachin villagers protest against gold mining in Ayeyawady River
Residents of a Kachin village say their farmland has been ruined due to rampant gold mining on the Ayeyawady River in Myitkyina Township, Kachin State.