Southeast Asians eat twice the global average of fish and seafood, but falling catches, unsustainable aquaculture and poor governance have imperiled the crucial industry
Category: Thailand
At Mekong Forum, a focus on US disengagement and China’s rise
As keynote speakers at this year’s Mekong Forum repeatedly underscored the rise of China amid growing unpredictability of U.S. policies, the sole U.S. representative in the half-filled ballroom in Khon Kaen, cut a lonely figure.
From Fossil Fuel to Clean Energy in ASEAN: Diversification is key
ASEAN’s pathway to an efficient and sustainable energy landscape is paved with with diverse sources.
Rayong Bay a ‘dead sea’ for fishermen
Home to Thailand’s largest petrochemical and industrial hub, the coastal province is plagued with pollution. A major oil spill four years ago added further insult to the injury.
Climate change will force mass migration of 1 billion by 2100
Asia Pacific is the most vulnerable region to climate change, and poor people are to be hit the hardest, prompting migration on a massive scale: ADB report
Civil society groups denounce new environment bill
Environmentalists have called on the authorities to rethink changing Thailand’s environmental protection law, because the process lacks public oversight.
Mekong Transboundary Dialogue
Mekong transboundary water issues across four Lower Basin Mekong countries is the subject of a new video by the Mekong River Commission.
The ‘Silk Road’ Verdict
China’s massive infrastructure plan to link it to Europe, including parts of Southeast Asia, does not measure up to economic reality.
Thai junta aims to make eastern economic hub its legacy
Eastern Economic Corridor projects get fast-tracked as govt envisions it as the heart of Mekong economies.
Time to switch to natural gas to protect the earth
Resident Trump’s decision to withdraw the USA from the landmark Paris climate accord must not become a distraction from urgent global efforts to combat climate change.