Category: Thailand
Struggling with mosquitoes (2): the future of dengue control
In Thailand, efforts to control Aedes mosquitoes and dengue fever have produced uneven results. Over the past few decades, the toll of the disease has diminished in some areas. In others, mosquito-borne infections remain high. To improve the situation, control measures are being reconsidered. Statistics indicate that the number of dengue cases each year ranges from […]
Struggling with mosquitoes (1): The past and present of dengue control in Thailand
Climate change is one of the factors contributing to the spread of Aedes mosquitoes and hastening the spread of the dengue virus.
Govt ‘stalling’ on Chana project
The cabinet’s decision to delay the controversial Chana industrial estate project in Songkhla — as urged by groups rallying against the project — from Wednesday until a “neutral” environmental assessment has been completed triggered a fierce reaction from demonstrators.
Can production efficiency also be green?
Sustainability and digitisation are key priorities for growth—but it is essential to recognise that these priorities are not at odds with each other. 4IR technologies can both boost productivity and smooth the transition to the future of work, while advancing environmental sustainability.
Italian-Thai Development is in good health, CEO Premchai is not
Italian-Thai Development CEO Premchai Kanasutra has been sentenced by the Supreme Court to over 3 years in jail for poaching. Now officials at his company say operations will be unaffected.