Approval for a new feasibility study into a proposal to build a land bridge between the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea.
Category: Thailand
Low water levels in Mekong, tributaries affect fish farming
The four main tributaries of the Mekong Nam Oun, Nam Songkhram and Nam Kam streams — now hold only 20-30% of their capacities.
Barrage projects divide opinion
One will be built in the middle of the river course and the other four kilometres away from the mouth of the river which links it to the Mekong River.
Thailand Park closures to become annual events
Environment minister says natural habitat needs regular recovery breaks from tourism
Thailand Receives Grant to Protect the Ozone Layer and Climate
US$5 million grant agreement with the World Bank toward reducing the import and use of ozone-depleting chemicals by 2023 by more than 60 percent.
Thai Health Ministry to oppose resumption of the use of toxic farm chemicals
Up in arms against the use of two hazardous substances, paraquat and chlorpyrifos, the use of which, in the agricultural sector, has been prohibited in Thailand since June.
Environmentalists concerned with rise of takeaway trash during lockdown
In Bangkok, waste from takeaway orders made up 62% of all the waste generated in the lockdown.