Category: Thailand
Thai farmers are trying a new, climate-friendly way to grow rice
Alternating between wetting and drying means the rice farms emit less methane and use less water—water that would often be piped in using diesel-powered pumps.
Extraordinary footage: lockdown cleans Bangkok skyline
A benefit of the lockdowns had been low pollution levels and clear skies due to fewer cars on the roads, the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) reports.
U.S. and Brazil Trying to Force Thailand to Accept Food Coated in Hazardous Pesticides
The U.S. is standing alongside the corrupt Bolsonaro administration in Brazil to oppose Thailand’s efforts to protect its citizens from highly toxic pesticides used in food production.
Tigers caught on camera lounging in a Jacuzzi-sized watering hole
The Western Forest Complex is Thailand’s largest block of intact forest, home many species that are threatened and endangered species.
Thailand’s plastic waste problem just gets worse
Bangkok, is now generating 62 percent more plastic waste since the coronavirus pandemic broke out, including discarded takeout containers, masks, and gloves.
Corals in lower Gulf of Thailand in great condition, survey shows
Observations made after studying the situation in several key provinces.
Bidding for Fifth Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge project scheduled for July
The project, designed to link Thailand’s Bueng Kan province with Laos’ Bolikhamsai province across Mekong River, is estimated to cost US$40.88 million.