They said that if the plant was built, there would be a dump for garbage brought from 19 nearby districts, just one kilometre from their community and its fresh water source.
Category: Thailand
New monkey species found hiding in plain sight
Found throughout Myanma and Thailand, two of the new species are now found to be among the most endangered primates in the world, in urgent need of protection.
Underwater sculptures helping restore coral reefs in Thailand
Coral can be grown up to 50 times faster this way, she says, using a technique called microfragmentation.
Competition to fight marine garbage in Vietnam and Thailand
Calling for all innovators in ASEAN to share their bright ideas for tackling plastic pollution, with the objective of contributing to the reduction of plastic waste in coastal areas.
Illegal logging, encroachment found in Narathiwat
Near the village, the forest, which is the source of Sai Buri river, was found to have been cleared at seven spots, covering about 36 rai together.
Food deliveries add to Thai plastic headache
Waste almost doubled during lockdown with food containers, cutlery and bags clogging canals, rivers and landfills
Thailand tiger footage offers renewed hope for big cat population (video)
Renewed hope for Asia’s wild tiger population with images from camera traps recording tiger cubs in Thailand’s Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai (DPKY) forest.
To dig or not to dig: The controversy surrounding Thailand’s mega canal
Mega-development, mega-devastation or both? A massive canal proposed through Southern Thailand’s biodiversity hotspots has many questioning Thailand’s commitment to sustainability.