Category: Thailand
Thailand to set up river basin committees
Laws on water management — including those which form the basis for the establishment of 22 river basin committees across the country — will take effect in June,
Rebutting US claims, China says dams unrelated to Thai drought
“The research by Eyes on Earth Inc. did not consider precipitation levels and complication of water flows. It does not reflect hydrological realities. Results are mostly calculated trends, not the actual water flows on the long term.”
Seawall projects set to face stricter environmental checks to battle erosion
The National Marine and Coastal Resource Management Committee has approved a policy that requires developers of seawall projects to follow stricter environmental guidelines to get development permission.
Illegally cut teak seized in Mae Sot
They found an area where many teak trees had been cut down inside the park boundary.
ADB Finances First Wind Power and Battery Storage Project in Thailand
The 10MW project utilizes an integrated 1.88-megawatt-hour (MWh) pilot battery energy storage system to increase the amount of renewable energy delivered to the grid.
Protesters under lockdown delay hearing on Songkhla mega project
“The short window of the public hearings violates the people’s rights to participate in maintaining and managing their natural resources sustainably.”
What to do about forest fires?
A village headman and social worker share their thoughts on the matter