The confluence of COVID, droughts, and raging forest fires have combined to produce a perfect storm of challenges for the government.
Category: Thailand
Equalising Thailand’s water management requires grassroots inclusion
Despite this restructuring, it is unclear how these new water management institutions will be composed and in what ways local people will be involved, leaving doubt as to whether Thailand’s water management will improve.
Myanmar Public Overwhelmingly Backs Crackdown on Wildlife Markets to Prevent Pandemics: Survey
96 percent of respondents in Myanmar supported the closure of such markets, the highest level of any SE Again country surveyed.
Local authorities are too underfunded and uncoordinated to deal with a massive outbreak of wildfires in the northern provinces of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, which already claimed the lives of five firefighters.
Yuam River dam diverts more than just flow
Close-knit Karen communities are now under threat, as Thailand’s US$2.2 billion plan to divert some 1.8 billion cubic metres of water annually from the Chao Phraya River to the Bhumibol Dam gets underway.
NGO voices concern about Myanmar, regional migrants affected by COVID-19 scare
Migrants in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) are among the most vulnerable to the present upheaval, given their limited access to healthcare, lack of job security and precarious immigration status.
Narcotics Chief Reports Heroin Production Rising in Golden Triangle
Seizures of heroin from the Golden Triangle areas along Chiang Rai’s Myanmar-Laos border, have been rising every year. Mr Niyom said drug producers use China, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand as a base to transport shipments.
When agriculture focuses on profit instead of food
After seven years of research on the ground in countries like Colombia, Thailand and others, it is our conclusion that monocultures have left a complicated legacy in the territories where they have been put into practice.