housands of people have fled their homes in central Hanoi after mercury was released into the environment in a fire that destroyed a light bulb factory.
Category: Viet Nam
Vietnam, Fastest-Growing Carbon Polluter, Urged to Shift Cargo From Land to Water
Carbon emissions are growing faster in Vietnam than any other country in the world. The finding gives more urgency to a report released Monday how Vietnam can decrease its carbon emissions.
New-style rural area building programme achieves much success in Mekong Delta
The programme, launched by the Government in 2010, sets out 19 criteria for building new-style rural areas such as planning, transportation, electricity, irrigation, healthcare, culture, education, environment and social order.
Vietnam’s PM calls for action to secure sustainable development
Speaking at a conference themed, ‘For a Decade of More Sustainable Development’, with about 1,000 leaders of the Government, representatives of international organisations, experts, researchers and businesses.