Taking place July 1-3, led by Lao Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism and China’s People’s Daily.
Category: Viet Nam
Project to boost conservation
MRC and JICA launch joint study on forest conservation and river basin management for environmental conservation in the Lower Mekong.
Thailand Proposes New Fund for Southeast Asian Sub-Region
Because Bangkok is spearheading the fund, it will contribute seed money, Thai Premier said, without elaborating. Senior officials from the five nations would meet later this year to discuss details.
Laos Announces Another Controversial Dam on the Mekong
Laos notified the Mekong River Commission (MRC) last week of its intention to build a 770 megawatt dam at Pak Lay in Xayaburi province.
How to promote natural capital investments in the GMS
The Mekong Subregion’s key natural capital stocks are in a state of decline. How to reverse course?
ACMECS and CLMV need reforms
These Mekong regional summits take place this weekend in Bangkok, and should be integrated into one body.
China eyes its next prize – the Mekong
China’s growing control over the Mekong is a crucial component of immobilising sovereignty in mainland Southeast Asia.
The world’s plastic crisis in the Mekong region
As the world’s single largest contributor of plastic waste into the marine environment, Mekong countries must provide leadership to restore health in our oceans.
Rural poor squeezed by land concessions in Mekong region: report
Companies acquired concessions amounting to the size of a small European country, while rural Mekong residents saw their landholdings shrink or disappear over the past two decades.
Vietnam Is Following China in its Economic Development
Vietnam is imitating China in its efforts to grow economically and lags its larger neighbor only by about a decade, experts say.