Mekong nations of Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar are lagging others working successfully to bring tiger numbers up.
Category: Viet Nam
Ministry says no to proposed BOT thermal power project
Experts applaud Vietnam’s decision not to license the 1,200 MW Vung Ang II coal-fired thermal power project, saying that this is a ‘necessary caution’.
Strong cities needed
Climate migrants are further exposing the need for Bangkok planners to come up with better methods to confine urban sprawl, cope with climate change and ensure a better deal for all.
Comment on “Designing river flows to improve food security futures in the Lower Mekong Basin”
Proposed flows by researchers to green-up dams in the Lower Mekong are seen as infeasible and devastating to fisheries.
Japan re-affirms support for Mekong irrigation
MRC project to Improve fish-friendly irrigation, monitor agricultural land use and promote sustainable groundwater management.
Transboundary EIAs could reduce conflict over river projects
Ignoring cross border impacts of large infrastructure projects will spark conflict along rivers.
Southeast Asian forest loss much greater than expected, with negative implications for climate
The findings are important: they raise questions about assumptions made in global climate change projections as well as future environmental conditions in the region.
Management of Vietnam’s coastal land still ineffective
Marine economic potential is untapped–communities’ access to these natural areas is limited–environment pollution grows.
Lancang-Mekong media summit to be held in Laos
Taking place July 1-3, led by Lao Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism and China’s People’s Daily.
Project to boost conservation
MRC and JICA launch joint study on forest conservation and river basin management for environmental conservation in the Lower Mekong.