Category: Analysis
Can production efficiency also be green?
Sustainability and digitisation are key priorities for growth—but it is essential to recognise that these priorities are not at odds with each other. 4IR technologies can both boost productivity and smooth the transition to the future of work, while advancing environmental sustainability.
Why has illegal logging increased in the Greater Mekong?
Some countries, like Vietnam and Thailand, have successfully managed the transition to wood processing. But Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos continue to struggle with implementing and enforcing forest laws.
Tigers, jaguars under threat from tropical hydropower projects: Study
The flooding of land for hydroelectric dams has affected more than one-fifth of the world’s tigers and one in two hundred jaguars.
The Future of LNG in Vietnam After COP26
Liquid natural gas could help Vietnam wean itself off coal while satisfying its growing demand for electricity.
A leader of the anti-Industrial-zone development project in Songkhla province accuses the government of not wanting to honour its agreements made last year to delay and carry out fair assessment on the proposed Chana Industrial Complex.
Opportunities for U.S. Development Cooperation in Laos
Although Laos is a communist state, in the past two decades, successive governments have sought to open the economy to foreign trade and investment. Yet the United States has not historically had strong economic or diplomatic ties with Laos.
Why has Da Nang taken the lead in digital transformation?
Danang has issued important guidelines and policies as the foundation to promote IT application, build e-government, and smart city and initially implement digital transformation.