By funding infrastructure and development, China can increase its economic and strategic leverage over poorer neighbors.
Category: Analysis
Reducing water insecurity: Questions of power, politics and equity in the Mekong region
Water management decision making is concentrated in the hands of the politically and financially powerful few, who determine how water gets allocated.
Climate change is triggering a migrant crisis in Vietnam
Over the past decade the Mekong delta region has seen a net loss of one million people due to the new climate regime
Multiple Mekong forums risk igniting rivalry
Mekong River leaders will be busy this year at meetings of many regional cooperation schemes that observers have said are overlapping.
Mekong River to become new South China Sea for regional disputes?
The Beijing-led Lancang-Mekong Cooperation mechanism was set up to help ease tensions over development projects, but NGOs are unconvinced
Cambodia’s Tonle Sap, a lake known as the country’s “beating heart,” faces a more rapid decline than previously estimated, according to a new study.
Muddying the Mekong: balancing sediment and sustainable development
If all the dams currently proposed for the lower Mekong basin are developed, sediment load reaching the delta will fall to 4% of current levels
A wave of young female activists from Cambodia aim to shake up the patriarchy. Here’s how
Cambodian women regularly spearhead land rights demonstrations, and in recent years some have even parlayed their newfound activism into entering the political sphere.
The Mekong, Dammed to Die
Laos is going forward with Don Sarong Dam, without approval from the Mekong River Commission and in defiance of protests from NGOs and downstream countries.
Can Thailand Escape the ‘Middle-income Trap’?
Corruption is rampant, courts are unreliable, and the political system is unpredictable to say the least –Philip Nichols, Wharton’s legal and business ethics professor