Using modelling, the study zoomed in on the possible scenario of continued deforestation at the Myanmar Chindwin River basin, and showed that protecting these forests could reduce the economic and human costs of floods by 14 percent.
Category: Data
Climate change spurs typhus incidence in Laos
“the evidence from this research suggests that we will see an increase of both these diseases not only in Laos but in other countries
as well. The diseases may also spread to areas where they have not previously been found as temperatures rise.”
Simmering glacial geo politics: upcoming crises with transboundary water cooperation on Asia’s back burner
In the short-term, the amount of water is projected to rise, contributing to floods. The Upper Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Mekong are each expected to increase total runoff by up to 27 percent. These increases will not be sustained.
Myanmar’s snowcapped north is a haven for large mammals, new study finds
The research team deployed 174 cameras in the forests and mountain slopes and interviewed local villagers, detecting 40 large mammal species overall.
Three countries cooperate to audit water resources of Mekong River basin
Specifically, the amount of water from upstream to the Mekong Delta in 2020 decreased by 157 billion m3 compared to 2011, while the amount of sediment fell by 14 million tons compared to 2017 (37%).
Should tree plantations count toward reforestation goals? It’s complicated
Government agencies touted the Prey Lang reforestation project in central Cambodia as the country’s first big venture into climate-focused restoration. Cambodia’s Forestry Administration granted South Korean contractor Think Biotech a 34,000-hectare (84,000-acre) reforestation concession for the ostensible purpose of planting trees and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. But what’s happened on the ground doesn’t look much like a win against climate change.
New data shows strong air pollution policies lengthen life expectancy
In Southeast Asia, air pollution is emerging as a major threat in metropolises like Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and Jakarta. The average resident in these cities stands to gain two to five years of life expectancy if pollution levels were reined in to meet the WHO guideline.
Strategic basin and delta planning increases the resilience of the Mekong Delta under future uncertainty
“Herein, we demonstrate an approach to identify planning levers that can increase the resilience of river deltas under a wide range of future conditions for the 40,000-km2 Mekong Delta in Southeast Asia.”
Air pollution cuts Hanoian lifespan by 2.5 years: study
This is the first study to use data provided by local authorities to evaluate the burden of disease caused by impacts of PM2.5 dust pollution on public health in Hanoi.
Climate Risk Country Profile – Cambodia
Climate change and human influences, such as upstream dam construction and deforestation, over the Mekong River’s hydrological regime threaten to reduce the productivity of the Tonle Sap Lake and Cambodia’s fisheries – a significant threat to the livelihoods and nourishment of many poor, rural communities.