This report explores the ways in which laws, regulations and policies designed to afford protection for Cambodian forests and the local and indigenous people who depend on them are being abused.
Category: Data
“Gs” in new strategic viewpoint on development of Mekong Delta (infographic)
At a conference reviewing the three years of implementation of Government Resolution 120 dated November 17, 2017 on climate resilient and sustainable development of Mekong River Delta, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc talked about a new strategic viewpoint involving eight “Gs” on the development of the region.
Study follows tagged migratory fish in Mekong
“The fastest moving fish in the study was a tagged Wallago attu catfish, which moved 52 river kilometres downstream in eight hours and moved a total of 88 river kilometres over the course of the study. It is the longest range recorded,” it added.
Are Cambodia’s freshwater fish in trouble?
Destructive fishing and hydropower dams on free flowing rivers are two main reasons for the extinction of some freshwater fish in Cambodia including the Giant Barb and Isok, a report by World Wide Fund for Nature.
Study uncovers how big droughts in the Greater Mekong trigger carbon dioxide emission bursts
Based on the 2016 energy demand, the researchers estimated that prolonged droughts reduce hydropower production in the Thai-Laotian grid (refer to image) by about 4,000 GWh/year, increasing carbon dioxide emissions by 2.5 million metric tons, and increasing costs by US$120 million in one year.
Mekong River drops to “worrying” levels, some sections turning blue-green
“Continuing this flow pattern could have an impact on river transport, fish migration, agriculture and river weed collection. To help the Lower Mekong countries manage risks more effectively, we call on China and the Lower Mekong countries themselves to share their water release plans with us.”
Dams upstream slowly killing the mighty Mekong
Thailand’s Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) on Tuesday released satellite images showing a drastic drop in the water level of Mekong River this Sunday compared to images captured on January 3.
Dam-Impacted Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Lancang-Mekong River Basin
A WEF nexus model for the Lancang-Mekong River Basin (LMRB) was developed to investigate the impacts of value preferences from riparian countries, reservoir operation policies, and future dam construction.