The Chinese seek to exert influence that would undermine best practices and principles while the US emphasizes sovereignty, transparency and good governance.
Category: Opinion
Collection of opinions relevant to the Mekong environment published in media outlets across the globe.
The unseen human cost of cheap power
Thai consumers should think about the victims and survivors of the devastating 2018 Lao dam collapse when looking at their electricity bills.
Victory for determination
Recently announced that 3,148 kilometres of coastline in Thailand would be a “coastal erosion protection zone” and seawall constructions would be largely forbidden.
The next steps for Vietnam’s booming solar sector
Despite the challenges caused by COVID-19, Vietnam’s tentative target of increasing solar PV capacity to 12 gigawatts by 2030 remains highly achievable.
Kind words not enough
It is now time for China to back its kind words about enduring friendship with action and enable a mechanism for co-management of the river.
Nature takes back seat in push for toilets
Well, how can I complain? I live in a city where policymakers see trees, nature, and even people, as obstacles to infrastructure development. Most of the time, they simply place form over function.
Post-virus shift can boost renewables
Covid-19 seems to be accelerating the adoption of several pre-pandemic trends like digitalisation and robotics. Perhaps decarbonisation can be another.
Criminal law misused in public policies
If Thailand wants to preserve its fast-dwindling forests, it pays to ponder if it’s insane to repeat the same policy that has failed for decades, yet still expect it to succeed.
China can be sued for choking Mekong
Beijing’s actions breach the UN Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses.
What to do about forest fires?
A village headman and social worker share their thoughts on the matter