Category: Opinion
Collection of opinions relevant to the Mekong environment published in media outlets across the globe.
Dam disaster on the way
This year’s dearth of rain partly explains the sharp drop in water, dams built on the river in China and Laos must also take the blame for stopping water from flowing freely along the river.
Chinese embassy in Bangkok calls Mekong reports “Fake”
These accusations mislead the readers and undermine the good atmosphere of sub-regional cooperation.
Good news for the Mekong
The Director-general of Electricite du Cambodge does not want to see the proposed Mekong River mainstream hydropower projects of Sambor and Stung Treng as part of the energy mix going forward.
Vietnam Needs to Break Its Addiction to Chinese Coal
Renewable energy will allow it to feed its growing demand for power in an economically and environmentally sustainable manner, while also allowing for greater autonomy over its national infrastructure.
Thailand sits idly by as China churns up the Mekong
A petition will be submitted to Chinese President Xi Jinping as river level fluctuations have affected the livelihoods of riverine communities and the cause comes from China.
It’s not just melting glaciers that endanger the Mekong and its region
For 9 mouths of the Mekong would flow into the South China Sea, now it’s 7 and “in the future maybe we have four or five”.
Myanmar is confiscating land that people depend on
British and Australian courts long justified the denial of land titles to aboriginal Australians. It’s an old trick, but it’s not supposed to be played against millions of poor people in 2019.
Expectations for first deepwater seaport in the Mekong Delta
Tran De Deepwater Seaport will create favorable conditions for eight out of thirteen provinces in the Mekong Delta. It will be a hub for import and export of goods in the region.
Saving our free-flowing rivers
We are at a critical point for deciding the fate of the Ayeyarwady and Salween, and of all rivers worldwide. We need to fully understand and protect their value before it is too late.