Lim Menghour, deputy director of the Mekong Centre for Strategic Studies at the Asian Vision Institute said, “Promoting a new development paradigm under BRI framework will be another main agenda of the visit,’ referring to China’s practice of foregoing the sometimes intrusive and demanding requirements regarding the internal policies of developing countries it provides aid to, in contrast to the US and EU’s traditional insistence that countries who receive aid undertake reforms in areas like democratic governance, civil liberties and human rights.
Category: Article
Korea pledges cooperation with Mekong countries
Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong on Wednesday reiterated South Korea’s commitment to stronger cooperation with Mekong countries in health care, climate, infrastructure and people-to-people exchanges, his office said.
Cambodian police bar villagers from land seized for new airport
“Authorities are not resolving our issues over the land. They are forcing us to accept the offer of eight dollars per square meter, and are threatening to simply confiscate the land if we don’t accept.”
How Laos can connect health, environment, and economic recovery: World Bank
Pollution is a public health major risk that slows economic growth. Environmental health risks result in around 10,000 deaths each year — over 20% of total deaths in Laos — and cause more than 100 million days of illness.
Border charcoal business a burning issue for residents
Although officials claim that the production of charcoal seriously affects Cambodia’s forest resources, residents living near the Meun Chey international border checkpoint in Prey Veng province say truckloads of the product was sold near the crossing without ever being inspected by authorities.
Fixing Thailand’s killer air pollution
The deregulation of the energy market might not be enough. To ensure a quick departure from fossil fuels, the regulations, and energy market should also open up to other energy technologies that complement renewable energy, such as energy storage systems and peer-to-peer trading.
Lao firm to manage Vung Ang Seaport in central Vietnam
The company’s management of the sea trade route will be significant in supporting the Lao government’s effort to transform landlocked Laos to become a land-linked one and boosting connectivity within the region and beyond.
Harnessing technology to manage flood, drought risks in Lower Mekong Basin
The Lower Mekong region remains highly vulnerable to increased flood and drought. To offset the increased risk, the Mekong River Commission (MRC) and its partners are deploying innovative information and communication technologies to assist governments and communities manage extreme weather conditions.
S. Korean consortium expected to win $4.8 bn LNG power plant order in Central Vietnam
The near $5 billion LNG power project involves building an LNG power plant across a 1.2 million square meter space in Quang Tri Province along the central coast. The first phase of the project – worth 2.5 trillion won – is to build a 1,500-megawatt (MW) power plant. Total project cost is expected to reach 5.5 trillion won when including second and third phases.
Thai minister sows confusion over 2026 plastic import ban
This appeared to be a compromise that allowed Thai plastics recyclers the opportunity to continue their businesses, while giving the country’s domestic collection infrastructure the time to supply the raw materials that would be lost by the import ban.