So far, few countries in the region have tied green components to their stimulus packages, which contain some environmentally harmful measures
Category: Article
Ramsar designation planned for Boeung Prek Lapouv area
The Boeung Prek Lapouv Protected Landscape Area in Takeo province – renowned as a habitat for many species of rare water and migratory birds – is set to be designated a Ramsar site, or a wetland of international importance.
Tien Giang builds more irrigation works to secure water for farms
The money was used to build irrigation works, and sluices and embankments that prevent saltwater intrusion and floods, according to the province’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Fifty percent of the Mekong Delta at risk of salinization due to sand mining and dam building
The study shows for the first time the combined effect of climate change and human impact on salt intrusion at the scale of a mega delta such as the Mekong Delta. This means that the window of opportunity for limiting further salt intrusion is much shorter than previously considered.
The threat of a dam disaster in Luang Prabang
The dam near Luang Prabang – both a World Heritage site and an seismically active zone – is “an irresponsible gamble,” experts argue.
Domestic revenue a vital source of development financing: UN report
“Cambodia can expect to graduate from Least Developed Country status towards the end of the 2020s. The time to prepare new sources of financing is now as this report makes clear.”
Birdlife and the Ministry of Environment collaborate to rehabilitate forest in Takeo
Birdlife collaborated with the Ministry of Environment to rehabilitate the flooded forests in the Prek Lpou Lake area in Koh Andet district, Takeo province. They plan to restore the flooded forest habitat for fish and the birds in the area.
Asia’s apparel industry threatened by rising sea levels, study warns
The overlaid maps paint the gravest picture in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Guangzhou, China, where an estimated 50-60% of factories will be below the level of the average annual coastal flood by the end of the decade.
Communications contest against plastic waste launched
The Green Development Support Center (GreenHub) in collaboration with the For Vietnamese Stature Foundation (VSF) have recently launched the Plastic Talk contest that seeks innovative communications products aiming to promote plastic waste reduction.
NGOs urge Thailand not to buy electricity from Luang Prabang Dam
UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee will meet from July 16-31 to assess the dam’s potential impact on the Luang Prabang City World Heritage Site.