Four LDCs – Cambodia, Laos, Bangladesh and Nepal – met at a virtual workshop last week to explore potential solutions for managing a smooth exit from their UN designations, discuss potential challenges in the post-LDC era, and assess the impact of Covid-19 on the textile and garment sectors.
Category: Article
Thailand: Land Rights Activist Gunned Down
During the past decade, at least five land rights activists in southern Thailand have been killed. All were leaders in campaigns seeking community ownership of agricultural land used by palm oil companies in which the lease with the government for the land had expired.
Colonization by other means: China’s debt-trap diplomacy
The latest to fall prey to China’s debt-trap diplomacy is small Laos, which recently signed a 25-year concession agreement allowing a majority Chinese-owned company to control its national power grid, including electricity exports to neighboring countries.
Myanmar Junta Approves 15 Investments, Including US$2.5-Billion Power Project
The LNG project approved on Friday is likely to be the Chinese-backed Mee Lin Gyaing power project in the country’s Irrawaddy Delta, given the nature and estimated cost of the project.
Vietnam arrests banned book publisher’s distributor
Dieu tackled taboo subjects such as rampant corruption among officials, environmental pollution, human rights abuses and the government’s lack of response to Chinese intrusions into Vietnamese waters.
Chinese Energy Investment in Cambodia: Fuelling Industrialisation or Undermining Development Goals?
If China is to continue to support the industrialisation and expansion of Cambodia’s export economy, in which Chinese state and private interests are now deeply embedded, a reassessment of priorities needs to occur.
Interview: ‘Young People Will Be So Scandalized By It That They Will Become Activists’
“So this really harsh guilty verdict will definitely scare a lot of people, but it will also create new activists. There’s a lot of young people who will be so scandalized by it that they will become activists.”
Overloaded renewable energy affects power system operation
As the result, the hydropower plants in central and southern Vietnam, with nearly 8,000MW, had to stop working at noon to prioritise the purchase of renewable energy.
Bangkok produces average of 16 tonnes of COVID-contaminated garbage per day
To cope with this public safety problem, and to ensure proper disposal, the BMA has installed separate garbage bins at more than 1,000 locations in Bangkok and is urging the public to separate their used face masks and place them in a plastic bag before disposal.
A metropolis arose in medieval Cambodia – new research shows how many people lived in the Angkor Empire over time
The findings suggests that this settlement may have been home to between 700,000 and 900,000 people at its height in the 13th century. This means that the population of Angkor was roughly comparable to the almost 1 million people who lived in ancient Rome at its height.