These two bills are a clean air management bill initiated by 12,000 people in a signature campaign and proposed to parliament on July 13 last year; and a bill on transporting and discharging toxic substances into the environment proposed by the Move Forward Party.
Category: Article
Chinese company builds “green expressway” in Cambodia
As the PPSHV Expressway stretches across the natural reserve, home to many wild animals, the constructors added shields along the wire mesh fence of 21 km as a kind of protection.
Why Cambodia’s environmentalists fear new internet firewall
Environmental activists in Cambodia fear for their privacy and freedom of expression as the country introduces a new China-style internet firewall
Report attributes 32,000 premature deaths in Thailand to air pollution
The report cites the PM2.5 pollution particles as the main culprit as particles in that size range are the most likely to travel deeply into the respiratory tract, reaching the lungs.
Chinese aggression pushes Vietnam ever closer to Washington
Chinese damming, coupled with the effects of climate change, has robbed the Mekong River of its riches and in 2016 caused Vietnam to experience its worst drought in 90 years.
Mekong River Commission unveils strategy and action plan
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) released a ten-year basin development strategy and a five-year strategic plan Monday to address challenges and improve the state of the basin.
Chinese Dams Unleash Mekong Waters on Laos During ‘Dry’ Season
Chinese dams on the Mekong River have begun releasing water during the river’s normal dry season, causing trouble for wildlife, farmers and fishermen in Lao
Mekong governance across borders ‘critical’
Fishermen living next to the Mekong have seen their wealth diminishing with changing water flow patterns – a phenomenon observed over the past two decades since China started building 11 dams in its upper Mekong.
Vietnam tightens land management
The environment ministry said land prices in some localities and areas have increased dramatically, which could affect socio-economic development and investment projects.
Green group records 100 cases of illegal logging in protected Cambodian forest in three days
The Cambodian Youth Network (CYN) said in a news release that it had undertaken a 55-kilometer (34-mile) patrol of the Preah Roka Wildlife Sanctuary in the Preah Vihear province districts of Choam Ksan, Tbeng Meanchey, and Cheb from March 19-21, during which it recorded the 100 cases, mostly of rare and priceless timber.