“Enough of your lies, cheating and violence. Enough of our hunger and loss of dignity from forced resettlement. Enough of threats and intimidation. We are going home for good.”
Category: Article
Myanmar coup grinds cross-border infrastructure projects to halt
That means progress on the Dawei project could be delayed for as long as two and a half years by the time a new elected government comes to power.
Universal Access to Satellite Monitoring Paves the Way to Protect the World’s Tropical Forests
The Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is developing near-real time deforestation alert systems in the Lower Mekong region, inclusive of Thailand, Vietnam, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, and Cambodia.
Bridge linking Kampong Cham and Tboung Khmum to open for public soon
This is the eighth bridge the Chinese government is embarking on to construct with Cambodia, the Chinese Embassy to Cambodia wrote on its Facebook page recently.
Kien Giang hoping to soon put Cai Lon – Cai Be irrigation system into operation
Connecting the Cai Lon River to the Cai Be River, the project is expected to improve agriculture and aquaculture production, control salinity, fight the effects of climate change, and provide freshwater for An Minh and An Bien districts during periods of low rainfall.
Progress seen in settlement of wildlife crimes
It’s pointed out that although the legal system on the conservation and sustainable development of wild animals has been gradually completed, wildlife-related violations remain complex in some localities, posing higher extinction risks to many wild species in the nature and negatively affecting ecological balance, human health, and Vietnam’s prestige in the world.
Development trumps rights in authoritarian Laos
“As international businessmen rake it in, hunger and food insecurity are a threat to millions in Laos. But when Lao people protest against these projects, they risk being harshly punished, arbitrarily detained or disappeared by the government.”
Chinese dams not to blame for low Mekong water levels: report
The latest data shows that for the past two months, Jinghong station, one of the main hydropower stations on the Lancang River, upper half of Mekong River, has been releasing more water than the river’s average natural flow rate recorded during the Mekong River’s current dry season.
World Bank debars German oil and gas contractor for 13 months
It is in connection with an alleged fraudulent practice under the Bank-financed Ayeyarwady Integrated River Basin Management Project in Myanmar.
UNESCO Requests New Impact Assessment for Luang Prabang Dam
“The problem is that the dam developer doesn’t want to do a new SIA, saying that the SIA has been done. But UNESCO does not accept the first SIA.”