Thailand is one of the world’s largest sugar producer, turning out about 10 million tons of the sweet stuff each year. But the traditional method of harvesting it is being criticized for polluting the environment. The government wants the industry to modernize, but some farmers say that’s not financially feasible.
Category: Article
Forest defenders under fire in Cambodia
It seems the Cambodian authorities are not only failing to protect the country’s diverse and still-extensive forests, but also are attacking those that do.
New planning views climate change as opportunity for Mekong Delta
The draft features three guiding viewpoints, with the first respecting the ecosystem’s natural functioning, proactively adapting to climate change, and considering saltwater and brackish water as development resources.
Nearly 3K illegal burn sites identified across Kingdom
Illegal burning of rice stubble and land at the periphery of forests continues to occur throughout the Kingdom’s rural areas, especially in the north and northeast regions, according to officials who documented the activities on site.
Germany provides EUR 20 million for forest law enforcement, trade
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development is providing about EUR 20 million and the Lao government is contributing the equivalent of EUR 4 million as non-cash benefits for the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) project from 2021 to 2026.
One injured after Mekong Delta erosion plunges homes into river
Around 500 hectares of land in the delta is lost to erosion annually, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Thailand- the first large country with a fertility problem yet without wealth to easily fund healthcare for the old
Time is running out and one Stanford University expert says that things could begin to look ‘bleak’ if something is not done to address the country’s rapidly looming fertility crisis.
Exploring nine Ramsar sites of Vietnam
Assessed as a country with diverse wetland ecosystems and 25 areas able to meet the criteria of wetlands of international importance under the Ramsar Convention, Vietnam ratified and became the 50th signatory to this convention in 1989. It was also the first in Southeast Asia to do so.
WCS, AFD support communities to conserve largest wetland in Savannakhet
The Xe Champhone Wetland Complex is home to an abundance of aquatic biodiversity that support the livelihoods of more than 30 communities, as well as one of the world’s last remaining populations of the critically endangered Siamese crocodile, endangered turtle species, and wetland birds.