Villagers living near the compound have claimed that the company logs trees at wildlife sanctuaries – especially at Phnom Prich Wildlife Sanctuary – and passes the timber off as being obtained from within their economic land concessions.
Category: Article
Mekong River at its lowest in 100 years, threatening food supply
Perhaps most alarming, experts expect that droughts and disruptions to the water flow of the Mekong will become more common, and they warn that it could eventually lead to the collapse of the entire ecosystem.
Shan State Residents, Civil Groups Call for Transparent, Green Energy Policy
Their letter calls on the governments to give priority to green and renewable energy over current national energy policy prioritizing hydropower, coal and natural gas despite their potential social and environmental impacts.
Beyond Myitsone
It would be political suicide of any individual or group in Myanmar to come out in support of Myitsone and other mega hydro projects.
EU funds effort to disrupt wildlife supply chain in Greater Mekong region
The joint effort the World Conservation Society (WCS) and Pan Nature started in January 2019 and will last until December 2022
Mekong river countries urged to reconsider hydropower dams
Activists representing Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam yesterday urged their respective governments to consider the lives of people living around the Mekong River when building infrastructure projects.
Dams drying up, drought may drag into 2020
With water levels still critical at several dams around Thailand, officials speculate that drought impacts could persist into 2020, possibly having a catastrophic effect on next year’s growing season.
Thailand’s pangolin pipeline
Thailand’s proximity to China and Vietnam, the world’s two primary markets for pangolins, combined with its well-developed transportation infrastructure, have attracted criminal syndicates specializing in illegal wildlife trade to take root here.