Unsustainable agriculture, rising sea levels, construction of dams on the Mekong and increased soil and water salinisation are also concerns.
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Dramatic drop in Mekong water level sparks alarm
Mekong River water levels that fell dramatically on Thursday under impact from dam operations will soon recover, says the national water management agency.
Mekong agricultural development project launched by Vietnam
Vietnam wants to foster cooperation between countries in the Mekong sub-region and share experiences in agricultural and rural development through policy advisory networks of not only government agencies but also non-governmental organisations and the private sector.
Illegal logging poised to wipe Cambodian wildlife sanctuary off the map
Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary has lost more than 60 percent of its forest cover since it was established in 1993, with most of the loss occurring since 2010.
Most of country’s tiger habitat ‘too dangerous to survey’
Only 10 percent of tiger habitat was included in the latest tiger population survey nationwide, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society-Myanmar.
The size of the tiger population is difficult to know exactly because some areas are off limits due to armed conflicts, which makes data collection dangerous.
A border economic zone will be soon built in Myanmar-China border
Myanmar-China joint economic zones will be constructed in Muse, Chin Shwe Haw and Kanpaiktee according to Union Minister for Commerce Dr. Than Myint.
Muse-Kyegaung will be set up as core zone, while Kyu Gote(Paingsang)-Wanding-Nwanyin (Kyeinseinkyaw)-Mantman (Shweli) will be for exporting products, manufacturing, processing and warehousing areas and the Saelan (Manthero)-Sailin and Namtkham-Naungtung as import processing and warehouse areas.
Xayaboury dam on track to start commercial operation at year’s end
The government expects to earn US$3.9 billion from the operation of the dam throughout the 29-year concession period, including US$1.897 billion in royalties and US$637 million in taxes.
The government has pledged to use this money to fund poverty reduction programmes and infrastructure development so that Laos can catch up with other countries in terms of overall development.
After Relocating for Dam Construction Project, 1,400 Lao Villagers Face Difficulties
The Chinese-backed Nam Ou 4 dam is one of seven dams planned for the Nam Ou River, which traverses Phongsaly and Luangprabang provinces in northern Laos.